Call For Abstracts
All abstracts (oral or poster presentations) must be submitted online via the website
- The deadline for the submission of abstracts is has been extended to 23 August 2024. Registrars are specifically invited to submit their abstracts.
- All abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee.
- All abstracts received will be acknowledged, and authors will be sent acceptance or rejection letters by 30 September 2024.
- Please note that presenting authors of accepted abstracts must be registered delegates.
- Registration costs are at the presenter’s own expense.
Instructions to Authors
- Each abstract must clearly state the following:
- Abstract title (must not exceed 25 words)
- Stick to the sections as provided and limit the abstract to 350 words.
- List of the author(s) (first and last name for each). The name of the presenting author must appear first in the list of authors. Do not include qualifications.
- Affiliation of author(s)
- Abstracts must be typed in English, single line spacing.
- Please adhere to the following format:
- Background: should be brief and informative and state the aim of the study.
- Methodology: include a description of sample/participants and research methodology, including statistical analysis
- Results: outline the findings of the study supported by statistics as appropriate. Provide relevant data aligned to the aims and conclusions. Do not use figures, graphs, or tables in the abstract. A short discussion may be added if appropriate
- Conclusion: provide summary and relevance of the main findings
All accepted abstracts will be published without further editing. Abstracts that do not adhere to the specific format will not be published. Prizes will be awarded for the best abstract presentations at the congress dinner.